Aku masuk medical department as a fifth poster. Still remember when I was still tagging (day 1 in department), one of the patients desaturated but the PM shift HO is a junior poster. He did not know what to do hence I helped him managing the patient while waiting for oncall MO to arrive. Remember peeps, if patient desaturated ke ape ke, just use ABCD approach k, baru la tak lupa nak buat apa.
On my day 2 of tagging, after 4pm ada patient kat PKKN ni persistent tachycardia pulak. Terus suruh nurse buat ECG and I reviewed with my friend looks like sinus tachycardia. Patient looks dry as well and complain of pain kat tangan. So aku suruh run fluids and prescribed pain killer. The very next morning round dengan MO review balik ECG, still we are convinced it's sinus tachycardia. Kebetulan konsultan aka HOD lalu wad so MO panggil bos nak tanya opinion. Bos cakap it's SVT then mengamuk habis sebab aku tak passover kes tu to the oncall doctor semalam. Itu lah second time aku kena marah teruk sejak housemanship ni. The patient was sent to CCU immediately and discharged well after few days.
In medical, specialists and MOs are like friends. We work and eat together. Hewhewhew~
Since my 2nd week in medical, I was assign to be ward leader hence I was incharge of HO roster. Therefore, it's easy for me to arrange my schedule but it was so difficult to handle HOs yang suka EL. Pernah aku kena kerja 24hours kat medical ni sebab ganti orang EL. Totally unplanned and unprepared but I survived, alhamdulilah.
Paling happy kat medical ni ialah waktu viva department, dapat full marks. Dr J and Dr S claimed they never gave full marks to anyone before and asked me to join them in medical. Of course the safe answer I gave " Errrrr, I will consider it". Haha. The best part is waktu hospital viva, my HOD said "I still remember you in PKKN before, but you did so well throughout the posting. Dr J is really stingy to give marks but you got full marks. Well done". Malu I olls dia puji depan HOD department lain and timbalan pengarah hospital. >.<
Sebab bos semua baik sangat, aku struggle pegi beli kek ni dan ajak kawan2 buat farewell party the week we were leaving the department. TQ medical team for the bitter sweet memories.
All in all, the take home messages here are to always passover smartly to the oncall person and expect the unexpected. Anything abnormal, inform je bos awal2, lantaklah kalau kena marah sebab inform simple thing pun.
Thanks for reading!
"I am stronger because I had to be, smarter because of my mistakes, happier because of the sadness I have known and now wiser because I learned."